You Got Hosed

You Got Hosed

In this role-playing game, you play a character in space, fantasy, spy world or otherwise who gets hosed a lot. The other players play characters in your orbit. You try to hose them. They try to hose you. Together you try to hose the characters run by the Grand Hoser. Luckily, you are the hero of this story and because of that the hosing you suffer will never kill you*. It is kind of like what does not kill you only makes you more hosed.

Hosed Level

Each time you get hosed, there is a possibility that your hosed level will go up. Your hosed level starts a zero. It maxes out at totally hosed at 10. If you reach 10, you are probably hosed enough that your character goes to see the Great Hoser in the sky.

The Grand Hoser

The Grand Hoser controls the overall story and tries to hose you all.

At the beginning of the game, the Grand Hoser lets you know where you and the other characters are and what is about to hose you.


What are you going to do? If there is a chance that you will get hosed, roll a d6. Before you roll, the Grand Hoser describes the consequences of failure, aka totally hosed outcome. You want to avoid that if you can.

1 – You got totally hosed. Total failure. Suffer the totally hosed outcome. Increase your hosed level.

2 – You got hosed. Suffer only the consequences of the totally hosed outcome.

3 – You succeeded but hosed someone else. Pick who you hosed, describe the consequences, and add a new way that they can get hosed.

4 – You succeeded but hosed someone else. Pick who you hosed, describe the consequences.

5 – You failed. No worries. You didn’t get hosed. Try something else.

6 – You succeeded. Yeah. You did so well that you reduce your hosed level by 1. Pick someone to describe your success and how you avoided the hosing. Of course, they get to describe the next thing that can hose you.

Hoser Modifiers

Your character is good at something related to the genre you are playing. That’s cool. This is called your class. When you roll, you don’t have any modifiers when your roll is related to your class. If you try to do something not related to your class, then you suffer a -1 modifier. Any time you roll below 1 with a modifier, consider it a 1. You got hosed.

Go get hosed.


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